Como todos los años, destacamos y recalcamos que este evento, su evento, ha sido considerado como un evento Ecológico o Ecoswim, competencia que también respeta y apoya al medio ambiente.
Siendo asi, les pedimos que en su visita nos apoyen cuidando de éste paraiso mexicano. Por favor no tiren basura al mar, tratén de llevar un mejor control de su abastecimiento, que aunque se les otorgará durante el recorrido, no tiren las bolsas de agua, powerade, energeticos, etc; esto daña al ecosistema y por lo mismo Parque Marino (SEMARNAT) siempre nos ha confiado el realizar tan bello evento.
La cultura verde es para compartir. Muchas gracias por su comprensión.
ENG. "El Cruce" is an ECOSWIM.
As every year we emphasize that this event has been considered as an Ecoswim, a competition that also respects and supports the environment.
Being so, we ask that in your visit they support us taking care of this Mexican paradise. Please do not throw trash to the sea, try to take a better control of your supply, that although they will be granted during the tour, do not throw the bags of water, powerade, energeticos, etc; This damages the ecosystem and therefore the Marine Park (SEMARNAT) has always entrusted us to perform such a beautiful event.
The green culture is for sharing. Thank you very much for your understanding.